Odo o!
I can't decide on the title for this piece. This is because I feel like I'll be touching different topics while working on this.
Why have I been so silent?
it's been a couple of months since I last wrote. It was quite intentional and unintentional at the same time. Let's just say that I was in a really rough space mentally. I mean, it happens to the best of us.
I want to be very vulnerable and tell you all about it but I can't. I just don't see myself being that vulnerable on here. It's waaaaaay to public for that. But know this, it was really really bad and I was so unstable emotionally especially. My moods were up and down and it was like I was permanently on my period.
In this my short but lengthy time to myself, I realized a couple of things and also worked on a couple of things. One major thing I realized about myself is that "handwork" in the Nigerian sense of it is definitely not my thing. Like there really is nothing I've not tried to do. Okay okay there are a lot I haven't but then I mean the basics.
From hair dressing to Nail fixing to makeup to zobo making to writing. It has been a whole lot. Some of these things came at a time and yes they served their purpose. I do not regret doing any of them.
I have decided the title for this piece. It is called, "If I can, you can." Why did I come up with this title? Well it just dropped in my heart. I'd have to say God dropped it in my heart. As I have said before, inasmuch as I come here to tell you stories and entertain you, I aim to reach out to you as well in the most positive way that I could. So yeah, IF I CAN, YOU CAN
Now, back to what I was talking about. At the beginning of this whole blog writing thought, I told myself that I wasn't going to write about anything faith related cos I didn't want it to be about that. That was then shaaaaa. Right now I realize that although it's was good, it wasn't God. If you get, you get.
But my faith is a huge part of my life and I'd be more than pleased to talk about it. I can't believe that there was a time I felt like I wanted to remove God from my life hence the reason for my downfall. The downfall was more mentally than physically but those around me knew that I wasn't okay.
I'm not sure if this is about what I went through but I know for sure that I'm all the time I was feeling rough, I felt so alone, not because I did not have people around me, I did. I now realize that I felt alone because I did not acknowledge that God loves me and was with me regardless of my misconduct and gross misbehavior.
Soooooooo, good news💃💃💃💃💃🎉🎉🎉🎉 I am back on track with God and I have felt so much peace in my heart and in my soul. I am so much happier. I'm not saying I am leaving a perfect life now nooooo. What I'm saying is that, all the things that troubled me before have not gone, they are still problems but guess what? My peace and joy is so intact. I feel so fullllll. Trust me that's not cos I'm on the chubby side.
To bring this segment to an end, what I'm trying to tell you for real for real is that You Need Jesus Too. He just makes things better. This world is so crazy mehn. Especially if you live in Nigeria currently you'd know that things are happening and you can't really do this life alone. I love you but Jesus loves you more. This is your chance to see the light. If you have questions, Do ask. Thank you!
_________________________ ________________________ 2. I want to talk about men and relationships.
Yay!!!! My friend is getting married in a few weeks and I am super excited about it. I've found the perfect style to sew for the wedding. You guys are invited😂😂😂 nahhh you're not. But I promise to write about it. That's all I am willling to say about men and relationships for now.
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3. I have been thinking of a lot of other things to write about here but now of the things I wanted to write fit in with what I had already written
So yeah, that's it!
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